Sunday, 22 August 2010

Few more weeks to go

I need a little break and this little corner to shout out my tiredness. Yet I still have a long to-do list. I need to make some other arrangements, or else there's absolutely no way that I can hit the target for the summer. But the to-do list seems to be endless.......

Bear with me my dear friends, will be with you soon XD

Tuesday, 20 July 2010

Acne.. the big "face" issue of mine...

I was always optimistic regarding to this issue. Many have told me that it's just a life process which I need to go through and once I've gone passed this period it will surely go. But how long is it? Half a year? A year? or perhaps... in my case, years??

To be honest I could scarcely remember since when my skin became so sensitive. In vague memory, there were only some spots on my forehead when I sat for my final GCSEs. (That's when I began to "grow" too). People around kept telling me that I was under stress and so, naturally I didn't anticipate it as an issue which would long cause me concerns; it should be gone when I am "stress-free".

But of course, it didn't. The good news was that it didn't spread to other more visible areas. According to traditional chinese medication, spots on forehand could indicate that I was experiencing constipation and broken digestive system. During next summer just before I went home, it started to spread. I remember how shocked my mum was when she saw me. Thanks God it was worth visiting beautician and nutritionist. By the end of the summer, the redness and all obvious spots were beautifully treated with no scar left. Nonetheless, soon after I came back to the UK it returned and spread harshly. Yet I was absolutely optimistic and was still a little confident girl. Although friends around were all looking brilliant with their make-ups, I insisted no make-up for me unless I was to attend formal events. Simple reason: be the real self so why bother about covering up? It didn't bring me much trouble apart from, okay, wasn't that nice looking. But it was just the appearance and curing it was only a matter of time. I now feel thick how I could still be that confident.

Up till now I think I have suffered for nearly 3 years. The induction of this deep concern was my mum (again). All the while I have been bluffing to her that it has gone slightly better every time she asked about it. In our last conversation I could feel how upset she was when she mentioned that she had seen my photo on FB. I am sorry mum, I couldn't harshly say to you that it wasn't cured. It's now not only my feelings, but it has caused concern to my beloved ones.

I have heard a friend saying no matter what she tried her problem didn't go off till she turned 22. My aunt still had it when she was 28, though it gradually went off. The good news is it will go off, but when? I have tried over 3 sets of product over last few months. Antibiotics won't work on me and I have been on contraceptive medication for 2 months. Mum doesn't know about this or else she will certainly feel worry about side effects. I am getting tired and losing hope and confidence. I will laugh if I still have it when I graduate.

Dear mum, please don't worry about it. I promise I will look after myself. Haha let's hope that the day will soon come. I have forgotten how I looked like without acne and spots.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

More baking recipessssssss


I am starting this blog with a great smile. This is because I am so happy that I have finally found these two cookbooks on baking.

The first book is edited by Alex Goh, a famous cake-making expert. It consists of English and Chinese translations, which makes it so much easier in acquiring ingredients. Level of difficulty is shown in each recipe and there are tips in making them. What I love is that it covers five basics cake recipes, ie: sponge cake, butter cake, cheesecake, chiffon cake and continental cake, all with clear step to step explanations and pictures to demonstrate. The best things are the accuracy of the recipes and the teachings on the use of each ingredients. Only one word to describe: all -inclusive!

The second one comprises recipes of Hong Kong Dim Sum and Pastry. They are not normally my favourites, but my" sifu" will love it. Or perhaps I should say that I have never tried to make these kind of pastry-they're too high up in the pyramid. XD One dumpling-making-from-scratch session really showed me the complication and hardship.

Anyway, my dear baking buddies, we have plenty to explore......... =D

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Another summer day...

It is now precisely 5.15am. I have been watching the sky gradually turning bright. 11pm was a good time that for a patient to make her way to bed, but awaking at 1am was really depressing.

I am not going to ask why. Whatever happens it happens for a reason. The question is what the hell have I done that brings out all these consequences? It is unfair to blame it completely on others, I have to bear responsibility too. After all, we are only human beings. No one is perfect so I won't complain. But YES I am a human too! I have feelings too. It is not a good idea to keep chucking things in for me. Please understand that I don't have a huge capacity for storage.

The sun is up! Oh yes, it's another brand new day...

Sunday, 27 June 2010

My yummy cheesecake~~

It has been quite a long while ago since I last made a cheesecake. I was asked by a friend to show her the way of making it. With "keen determination" I made my favourite rich New York Style Cheesecake (with fresh strawberry from the garden) at 1am yesterday. It sounds like a hard work, but it's surely worth it! hehe... Ok the biscuit base is bit too thick, but that's how my cousins like it ^_^

Actually now thinking about it, I learnt this recipe nearly 5 years ago. But until now I am still making the same thing and have not improved the recipe =_= I should feel ashamed. Err, I need to be more adventurous next time. How does a tofu cheesecake sound? I found the recipe ages ago but still not dare to try it. Perhaps Baked chocolate cheesecake is next.

PS: It seems that I have linked this cheesecake with my first bf :) hehe so funny lar...

PPS: Anyone has any idea what to bake?? cookies, cake, desserts or pastry?

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

All things are given to you.. accordingly

"Again, it will be like a man going on a journey, who called his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one he gave five talents of money, to another two talents, and to another one talent, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey. The man who had received the five talents went at once and put his money to work and gained five more. So also, the one with the two talents gained two more. But the man who had received the one talent went off, dug a hole in the ground and his his master's money.

After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them. The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See I have gained five more.'

His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!

The man with the two talents also came. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with two talents; see, I have gained two more.'

His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!

Then the man who had received the one talent came. 'Master,' he said, 'I knew that you are a hard man, harvesting where you have not sown and gathering where you have not scattered seed. So i was afraid and went out and hid your talent in the ground. See, here is what belongs to you.

His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers, so that when I returned I would have received it back with my interest.

Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth."
- Matthew 25:14-30 "The parable of talents"

Life is not fair, but God is good. The parable tells us to be contented with what we have been given, treasure our belongings and make full use of them. What we have today are given to us according to our ability to manage them. It applies not only to our monies, but also talents, specialities and opportunities to achieve more.

After reading this parable I feel more confident to take the step forward since I am given the chance to do it. We have to fully utilise our abilities and talents so that they won't be wasted on us. I am glad that I have been given the chance to study abroad and to live in this country for quite a few years. Hopefully under His leading and guidance, I will be brought to where He had planned for me.

The same to you ^_^ God Bless!!

Friday, 18 June 2010

Returning to work

Oh god, I didn't expect I would be so tired after only one night of work and it was one of the most quiet nights (everyone was watching the world cup, wuuu England can't even beat Algeria). I can hardly feel my legs now T_T.

It has been quite a while since I last worked. I realise that I am not as agile and I will probably need some times to adapt to the environment again. Working in a take away is not something new or fresh to me, in fact I have been doing it since I started studying in the UK. Not that I do not want to try something new, but I actually enjoy it. OK, let's be honest, picking up the phone and repeating the orders over and over again is lame and boring. But I love serving people; I love to see faces of satisfaction from the regular ones and new ones saying:"I heard your are excellent!". Sometimes the shop will get so packed but everyone will still be happy. They will joke about the waiting time, and some will even take their orders down themselves. The warmest thing is that even though when I am off work, they will ask about my recent condition.

The job is part of my "biggggggg" plan for the summer--Oh, work work work!!! No more dreaming moments~~

PS: 2 of my new sweet friends have gone back home. I miss them T_T

PPS: It looks as if he is getting the answer he desires^^

Thursday, 17 June 2010

Goodbye my dear friend

Seeing him standing alone with his hand luggage when he sent us off, my tears nearly dropped. Oh god, it will be a very long time until I see him next, and I know, I will miss him.

He is one of my high school mates who I had not got in touch for at least 5 years. Last September he came to study in the UK and that’s when we started to get back in contact. We’re always on the phone chatting about the good old time back in our hometown and new livings in the UK; we talked about his loved ones and my dear ones. He gave me the feeling of TI friends. It was just brilliant to have him here. Although we are at different cities, a simple phone call or text from each other add a little extra company in our lives.

We finally managed to meet up a few months later when I bought my train ticket to meet him up at his place. We went travelling together (It was my first trip to visit European countries with friends); we took many photos; we cooked, we watched movie and we chatted till late. The whole experience was memorable and has certainly added more colours to my life. I never thought I would be so reluctant to leave three weeks later. The thing that consoled me was our promise to meet up again after my exam and to go home together. However at the end I failed to keep my promise to fly back home with him. Nonetheless I went up to see him and stayed there for another 2 weeks. Although we ended up staying at home most of the time rather than travelling, I was happy that I managed to do what I planned to do.

Flashing through my memory, I never really expect we could be so close. A few close friends of us have asked about our relationship but I didn't really think about it. But now at this moment, two days after he left, I am surprised by how much I miss him. Okay, perhaps we were a little too close; perhaps we treated each other with a little too much care. Still after all, we have never really treated our relationship as a couple, and I know we will never be. Our friendship is simply unique and I believe we both enjoy it. I am just like his 匿名的好友. So I am glad that we preserve it as it is- and knowing that we can take it easy on each other and always ready to share our problems.

Things move on. Hopefully he will find the answer he desires.

Goodbye my dear friend...

A quote to share:

Like it or not, we won't progress from where we stopped if we don't take another step forward. Adoring the past while neglecting the future, doesn't change the fact that we're being stagnant

:P copied from Peter Khue